Me and My Thoughts On Mixed Media
I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself, after all what's better than talking about yourself?
So I'm Taighlor but most of you will know me as Taz, I'm Lynette's Daughter (and favourite child) and I'm 24 years young. I first got into papercraft, specifically cardmaking when I was around 9 with my Aunty Sharon and my best friends mum, Janet. Of course it was heat embossing that got me hooked. I started to show my mum all the cards that I had been making on my weekends away and that was it, straight to the local craft shop to get some supplies.
You know how this story goes though, I went to high school and chilling with my friends and playing football were on the top of my to do list. Fast forward a good few years to 2020, Pretty Gets Gritty was growing and mum needed a hand. So on my days off from my full time job as a market trader, I helped mum with the business, building the website, designing products and all that boring jazz while mum made pretty things. I finally left my job of 7 years and joined PGG full time in September 2021.
I'd had a dabble back in card making, but mixed media? Oh hell no... that looked way too hard. I sat and watched mum work her magic for around a year before this point, I asked so many questions she probably secretly wanted to kill me.
I slowly started to incorporate mixed media into my crafts, using ephemera and die cuts on my cards to create dimension. Mum ran online workshops and I joined in while gifting you all with my banter and sarcasm (I'm sure that's the only reason people join them LOL). And do you know what I realised?... It's not that hard! To me it's easier than cardmaking. You don't have to think much into creating a mixed media piece, it's messy and it's fun. You grab a substrate, choose your mediums, stick some stuff down, make a mess, give it a gesso, whack some colour on there and it's done.
What makes me love MM is the endless amounts of experiments with mediums, different textures and hundreds of different colour combinations. Nothing you make is ever the same! I literally just mess around until I'm happy with it and if I'm not, gesso it and start again.
Honestly, there's nothing scary about it. If I had one piece of advice for anyone wanting to give it a go, it'll be just go for it, get stuck in, have a mess and don't think too far into things.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning, I would say I'm alright at mixed media, and some of you might think I've got an advantage because of Mum. Of course she gives me pointers but no more than she gives you lot, but sometimes she's a big meany and tells me to get on with it and doesn't help me (she's much nicer to you guys, and probably going to sack me for saying that).
My point is, I have learnt by just watching her, the fab DT Team and all the C2WAB crew and asking her questions (inbox open anytime). I'm no expert (yet), but I can truly say it's easy, it's fun and I bet you'll enjoy it. So just give it a bloomin go and thank me later.
You've all probably had enough of me now so I'm offkies to get a brew and make some stuff.
Love ya's, Taz xx
P.S. Look at some of the pretty things I've made!
Jo Whelton said:
Great blog Taz and so lovely to hear how your crafting pathway has evolved. I love the way your mum and yourself interact in workshops and the support you now give her must be so exciting for both of you.
I am so looking forward to seeing your new products next month, that’s another side of the evolution of your personal talents that you didn’t mention in your blog….. exciting times ahead.
Thank you both for all the fun and pleasure you offer all us fans of PGG!🤪🥰xx
Cherry Bakewell said:
Such a fab journey Taz, love your story so far. Your Mum is an amazing lady – you are so lucky to have such a wonderful mentor. Looking forward to seeing all your awesome creations. Xx
Janet said:
They say choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Your and your mums work is amazing and you should both be incredibly proud
Laura said:
Lol, great story Taighlor! xx
Jo said:
Lovely blog Taz x
Lynette said:
Very funny and I could hear your voice when reading it too.
Your P45 will be in the post 😂