A Guide To Pretty Explosion Powders

 Well where do we start with these little pots of awesomeness? Everyone’s firm favourite in the world of Pretty Gets Gritty. So let’s have a little chat about the Explosion Powders shall we?

 Now everyone may think they’re a one trick pony. Yes we’re talking about the sprinkle and spritz method. The most basic way to use them is to sprinkle them on your card (or whatever you are using) and spritz with water to get the gorgeous colour explosion. They still would be pretty cool if that’s all you could use them for but it’s not so let’s move on.

 By the way I’ll pop a picture in of some of the methods. Here’s the sprinkle and spritz technique with the new colour Hades. 

  One of my favourite ways to use the Powders is to watercolour with them. All you need is a water brush or a paint brush and a glass of water. Sprinkle some onto your glass mat and paint away. I love this technique for colouring stamped images. I always start by adding a loose wash of colour to the image. Once its dry I add another layer of colour to darken it. To be honest, I keep adding layers until I am happy with the depth of the image. Once it’s completely dried you will have a beautifully coloured image with a subtle sparkle.

 Here's a picture of a flower stamp from the Pretty Connected Collection watercoloured with Venus, Unicorn and Dragon.

  Another super simple way to use the Explosions is to make your own spray. Just add some powder and a little bit of water to a spray bottle and you’re ready to go. The more powder you add, the stronger the colour. As simple as that.

 Ever thought about using them on your Gelli Plates or the Dolly Dimples Layering Stamps? Gelli printing and layering stamps are fab for creating beautiful backgrounds with ease. To do this all you have to do it add a thin layer of gel medium to your plate, sprinkle over the Explosion Powders and brayer. Pull your print and hey presto.

 Nope we’re definitely not finished yet. It’s time to grab a few of your Mixed Media Basics and make some paints. We’ll start off with Gel Medium. When you add Explosions to Gel Medium you will create a super shimmery glossy acrylic paint.

Neptune & Gel Medium 


 Now, if you add the Powders to our White Gesso you will get a super chalky pastel paint. And Transparent Gesso? You’ll get yourself a matte acrylic paint. The more powder you add, the stronger the colour will be. Don’t stop there! Try adding some Explosions to your Texture Pastes to create some funky pastel pastes.

Neptune & White Gesso

Neptune & Transparent Gesso 

Neptune & White Texture Paste

 You can also add your Explosion Powders to clear embossing powders to create your own colours. Just add a little sprinkle into a pot with your embossing powder and use it as you would normally. You see, I only found this technique out last week from the brill Sam Laing! Thanks honey, I'll be stealing that from you.

 And last but not least, another one of my favourites, smooshing. Does anyone actually know the technical term for what I’m about to explain? Spray some water onto your glass mat, sprinkle over some Explosion Powder, grab yourself a stencil, smoosh it into your mixture, lay it flat onto a piece of card, remove the stencil and you’ve got yourself an epic print. My one piece of advice for this method, to create a more organic look, make sure you bend your stencil when smooshing to avoid getting the harsh straight edges of your stencil. 


 See, I wasn’t lying when I said the Explosion Powders aren’t just a one trick pony. They are definitely the most versatile colour medium we have to offer here at Pretty Gets Gritty. So go and have a mess around with these little pots of joy and make sure you share all your experiments and makes with us.

 And if I’ve forgotten any techniques or you have found another way to use the Powders then let us know in the comments below. I’ll post some pictures of our most recent creations using the Explosion Powders and the brand new Pretty Connected Collection.


Gritty Hugs

Taz xx





March 11, 2022 — Taighlor Jasper


Mavis Price

Mavis Price said:

Have seen the pretty gets gritty exploding powders on line I beleive there are a number of colours any ideas were in the Worcestershire i can get them or if I have to order on line what company do I contact.

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